Bill Nelson’s Freudian Slip

Nelson is talking out of both sides of his mouth, again.

As if voters didn’t get enough of his empty promises and campaign lies in 2012, now Floridians have to suffer through his poor attempt to retract a statement about his plans to run for governor.

Rumors have swirled around Nelson’s intention to run for governor. In a comment to Politico, Nelson stated, he might change course if Crist “gets into trouble.” When pressed on the issue of what he meant by trouble, Nelson responded, “That’s in the eye of the the beholder.”

Now, two weeks later Nelson is trying hard to back peddle and is telling the press to disregard his ‘flip remark, and even going so far as to say, “I have no plans to run for governor. I have no intention of running for Governor. I have my hands full as Senator.”

Nelson’s hands may be full, but when has that ever stopped a Democrat from abandoning an office to serve their own interests?

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