Blocking Legal Proceedings Against Trump Would Damage Democracy

Having turned the executive branch into an international laughing-stock under Trump and turned the House of Representatives into a dysfunctional circus incapable of the basics of governance, Stefanik and Congressional Republican leadership now turn their sights on destroying the integrity of the judiciary.

This endeavor is yet another sordid attempt by Republicans to shield Donald Trump, the same individual who was willing to undermine the government to cling to power. The GOP is asking Americans to turn a blind eye to the truth, and when this approach proves futile, their only recourse is to attack the judiciary, a tactic reminiscent of their efforts to convince the public that COVID was a hoax and January 6th was a mere misguided tourist event.

In a recent op-ed, New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik argues these legal challenges constitute an unprecedented and dangerous form of “lawfare” waged by Democrats. However, these legal proceedings are not only within the bounds of the rule of law but also paramount for upholding the principles of justice and accountability.

The assertion by Congressional Republicans that the legal actions against Trump are politically motivated is nothing more than a divisive tactic intended to peddle conspiracy theories and disinformation to their base. The FBI raids on Trump’s residence and the subsequent federal and local indictments are not the result of partisan animosity but responses to credible concerns about potential misconduct. Law enforcement agencies and prosecutors have a responsibility to investigate any individual, regardless of their political stature, if there is reason to believe they may have violated the law. 

The Republican’s continued characterization of the legal actions as an attack on Trump’s political standing ignores the fact that no one is above the law, not even Donald Trump. The idea that legal scrutiny somehow infringes on Trump’s right to run for office in future elections is a misrepresentation of the principles that underpin democracy, but this is the only strategy the Republicans party knows how to deploy. Rather, these legal actions are a testament to its resilience, demonstrating that no individual is above the law, regardless of their political influence. 

Stefanik and other Congressional Republicans have criticized the prosecutors involved, suggesting a partisan bias in their handling of Trump’s cases. Stefanik’s allegiance to Donald Trump raises questions about her commitment to the principles of democracy over partisan loyalty. The judiciary’s role is to interpret the law impartially, without succumbing to political pressures. Dismissing the legal actions based on perceived bias weakens the checks and balances which are crucial for a functioning democracy. 

When politicians, like Stefanik and her Republican colleagues, seek to undermine the judiciary’s credibility, they are weakening one of the pillars that uphold our democratic structure. If we are to remain a constitutional republic, the rule of law must be upheld.

The danger facing the republic is not in these hollow threats of ‘politicization’ House Republicans would have us believe, no the threat is in being derelict in our faith that no man is above the law. No man – not even the Dear Leader Donald Trump is above the law.

Ultimately, the legal proceedings against Donald Trump are not an affront to democracy but a demonstration of the justice system in action. Ensuring accountability for public figures, including Donald Trump, are integral to the democratic principles which our nation was founded on. To dismiss these legal proceedings as mere “lawfare” undermines the very foundation of justice and perpetuates a dangerous narrative that some individuals are exempt from scrutiny based on their political affiliation and party standing. 

As the courts navigate the complexities of the legal landscape, let us remember that democracy thrives when the rule of law is upheld, and that justice is coming for Donald J. Trump. When the political class has failed us like Stefanik and the Republican party has, the only thing we can trust are the courts. 

Trump’s felonies and pending legal proceedings are not an assault on democracy, but rather an example of the justice system working as intended. To label this as anything else is a distortion of the truth and dangerous affront to the democratic principles we hold dear.

Congressional Republicans would have us not believe our very eyes and Donald Trump’s own words – nevermind those of his closest confidants who have now turned state’s evidence against him. Their brazen attempts to undermine yet another institution in our democracy can’t be described any other way than Orwellian. 

Originally written for and published on Newsweek.