Scott Singer: Moving Boca Raton Forward

Scott Singer, candidate for Boca City Council attended a cocktail reception and private movie screening last night at the iPic in Mizner Park.

Over 100 people turned out to show their support for Singer. Among those in attendance were, State Representative Bill Hager, Mayor of Boca Raton, Susan Welchel, Deputy Mayor of Boca Raton, Susan Haynie, and Palm Beach Republican Vice Chair, MIchael Barnett.

Before everyone headed in to see the movie, Singer addressed a packed room. He expressed gratitude to everyone who attended and spoke about his vision for Boca Raton. While speaking on Boca’s future, Singer stressed the importance of moving Boca forward by cutting wasteful spending, opposing tax increases, and providing accountable leadership.

After last night’s event, two things are for certain, Scott Singer is the man Boca Raton needs on the City Council to keep it a world class city and the iPic is an amazing movie theater.


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