It is time to get serious and defeat Trump

We know who Trump is, what he does, how he’ll react to disaster. We cannot afford 4 more years of lies and corruption. America deserves a leader, like Joe Biden, who will lead with honesty and compassion.

President Trump has not only failed at leading the country during the pandemic, but his response has arguably made the country worse off and led to countless preventable deaths.

Over 225,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus. Despite this indescribable loss for our country, many Americans are convinced that 200,000 deaths is not really a big deal, and that the coronavirus is largely overblown and will not affect them. These Americans believe this because this is what President Trump is telling them. Recently, President Trump told supporters the coronavirus affects “elderly people with heart problems and other problems… that’s it.” He went on to say the virus does not kill people “under the age of 18” and it “affects virtually nobody.” His statements are not only lies, but dangerous lies that encourage listeners to forgo any preventative measure against this deadly virus.

President Trump continues to lie to the American people about several aspects of the coronavirus, including the severity of the virus. While he publicly claims the virus is not very bad, and it’s “just like the flu,” privately he painted a much darker picture. He knew of the danger posed by the coronavirus telling writer Bob Woodward in February that the coronavirus is “also more deadly than even your strenuous flus. . . This is deadly stuff.” He went on to say, “I wanted to always play it down.”

In the months since his comments to Woodward, Trump’s fears expressed to Woodward about the virus were proven right. More than 200,000 Americans are dead and the virus continues to infect and kill Americans. 

For Trump, any acceptance of responsibility for failures in the coronavirus response are a sign of weakness. He deflects blame, obfuscates his failings, and lies.

When speaking about coronavirus deaths, President Trump recently said, “If you take the blue states out, we’re at a level that I don’t think anybody in the world would be at. We’re really at a very low level.”

Imagine Joe Biden saying, “If we ignore all the Republicans that have died during the pandemic, we would actually be in a good spot.” He would be widely condemned as someone unfit to lead the country for such comments. So where is the widespread condemnation of Trump after he said, “If you take the [COVID-19 deaths from] blue states out, we’re at a level that I don’t think anybody in the world would be at. We’re really at a very low level.”?

How can we elect a president that openly disdains most Americans? Does President Trump not realize the virus is killing Republicans and Democrats alike? He is a man that cannot even be bothered by the deaths of those who support him and those he is supposed to lead. President Trump is the greatest moral failure this country has ever had in the White House.

America not only deserves but needs a leader to help bring the country into a new era. An era where hope is not something prayed for in the darkness of night. To defeat Trump, we must get serious and this means ensuring our family, friends, and neighbors are registered to vote and have a plan to vote before or on election day. 

This horrific pandemic has taught all Americans of the preciousness of life. We must ensure the lives lost to coronavirus are not lost in vain. While Trump refuses to acknowledge the seriousness of the virus, we have an opportunity to defeat him in November and replace him with the steadiness of a leader who can give the nation what it so desperately needs, hope. 

Joe Biden will deliver hope to our nation and will not try to be just the president of only blue states but president of all 50 states. If we do not have a president who will lead all Americans, we can never expect a president to unify and strengthen us. Joe Biden will bring calm, steady leadership in the midst of turbulent times, while Donald Trump is nothing more than an amoral and demagogic ruler whose main focus is to advance his agenda and protect his interests. 

Why would we gamble our country’s future on someone who downplays the severity of a pandemic that has torn families apart and taken the lives of Americans because it was not politically expedient to be honest? We wouldn’t. We would send any other elected official packing, so why should Trump get a pass?

This November, we as Americans and voters, have a responsibility to future generations and to the Founders of our nation to defeat Trump swiftly and overwhelmingly.