Pennies from Heaven

In the background there is one man who knows how to solve our fiscal nightmare, Former Congressman Connie Mack, IV.

Washington needs to listen up.

Now is the time to get ahead of the curve so we aren’t caught with our pants down again.

As a girl on a crusade to save the Party and this country, I think it is high time we shift our focus back to solving the financial crisis. We’ve taken our eye off the ball and swept the calamity of the looming fiscal cliff and sequestration under the rug.

Six months ago, we as a nation watched anxiously to see if our country would fall off the fiscal cliff and plummet into a depression rivaling the 1930’s. Lawmakers scrambled to reach a solution, but with a house divided the resolution seemed to require an act of God.

While serving in the 112th Congress, Former Congressman Connie Mack developed the Mack Penny Plan. The Mack Penny Plan is the answer to Washington’s reckless spending habits. The Mack Penny Plan would balance the budget in eight years by cutting one penny out of every federal dollar spent and capping spending at 18% of GDP. This plan gained a lot of traction and was co-sponsored by Congressman Rand Paul as well as other Congressman. This common sense plan to balance our nation’s uncommon spending habits is exactly what we need.

In March at CPAC I had the chance to stand with Rand and hear Former Congressman Connie Mack speak on the Mack Penny Plan. It was apparent to me after hearing the former Congressman, our financial crisis was not without a resolution and Washington is awash in financial failure.

I think it’s time we as citizens become problem solvers instead of part of the problem.

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