New Year, New America?

In a couple of days, the world will usher in a new year, 2022. As with every new year, many Americans will make New Year’s resolutions. They will resolve to exercise more, eat healthier, quit smoking, or lose weight. However, maybe our resolutions should be the ones that will collectively make us better as a country. In the past few years, the fabric of democracy has been slowly unraveling as partisan divides have used it in their tug of war.

Americans have suffered collective trauma under the weight of a global pandemic and the uncertainty of the direction of our nation. 2020 ushered in a new decade, and soon after, the world would shut down as novel coronavirus would blanket the world, stealing the lives of loved ones, friends, families, and acquaintances. As Americans looked to their president for leadership and a calm, steady tone of reassurance, they were fed a diet of erratic pressers, science-denying misinformation, and fear-mongering. The same year, Americans made their voices heard. In what would be historic voter turnout, Americans sent a clear message they were haggard, fed up, and ready for a new president. But 45 wouldn’t go quietly.

As 2020 came to a close, Americans counted down the days to a new year and looked toward 2021 with hope and optimism. Six days into 2021, the sitting president unleashed his supporters on the US Capitol as they stormed the building in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election and change the outcome. A failed insurrection was the result and another battle between Lady Liberty vs. Trumpism.

It is hard to believe the significant history every American has lived through between 2020 and 2021, and while no one knows what 2022 will hold, many of us are praying for 2022 to come in quietly, sit down, and not cause any trouble.

With another New Year looming, the resolutions we write should be ones that make us better to our fellow Americans. What made America great has been our ability to come together as a country. During previous trials and tribulations in American history, Americans have rallied together to help Lady Liberty. However, the pandemic has had the opposite effect.

The pandemic forced us apart. We’re physically distant but socially hyper-connected, existing in the confines of our social media networks. As the days have waned, the distance between us has grown to form a gulf. Screen time is up and we’ve become emboldened slinging arrows from the comfort of our iPhones and laptops.

As we consider our resolutions, let us resolve to elect unifying leaders and reject extremist candidates who dance on the fringe of political parties with one overarching goal, to elicit fear, anger, and hate. The divide in American politics has widened over the years, leaving many Americans feeling politically homeless and searching for a place in today’s political discourse.

In the New Year, we have a chance to ask more of those we send to Congress. We can resolve to support principled candidates committed to putting country over party.

If we want to change the direction of our country, we must start with resolutions and be committed to standing by those resolutions no matter how hard they may seem at times.

For Americans, sticking to our resolutions is no easy task. By February, 80% of Americans will have failed at keeping their resolutions. However, in 2022, we must succeed in our resolve to be better Americans.

As Americans, we have a responsibility to our country and fellow countrymen to see our resolutions of electing unifying, principled leaders.

Our American democracy depends on it.

Should we continue down the path of allowing fringe candidates who stump on divisive rhetoric and peddle conspiracy theories to serve in the people’s House, the future of our nation is bleak.

The fear of another Trump term looms in 2024, and many wonder how do we protect our country from another four years of 45 in the Oval office? The answer is simple. Americans need to vote in 2022 like their country’s future is on the line. Because it is.

2022 is the warm-up act to 2024. If we as a nation resolve to push back on extremist candidates and vote out those individuals who currently serve in office, it gives Lady Liberty a fighting chance in 2024.

2022 is a new year with the promise of a clean slate and massive opportunities. The most impactful way to ensure 2022 is the best year yet, is to resolve to be better civic citizens and hold others accountable to the resolution of electing unifying principled leaders.

After all, imagine the kind of America we could have if unified principled leadership were serving in the people’s House. The possibility exists only if we resolve now to accept nothing less from our elected officials.